Data Visualization Diagrams, Data Tableau, Bar Charts, Line Charts, Function Charts, Point Charts, Area Charts, Spider Webs, Radar Webs, Donut Charts, Pie Charts, Bubble Charts, Gauge Charts

Data Diagrams


type: text
datatype: color
datatype: number
type: text
datatype: color
datatype: number
type: text
datatype: color
datatype: number
Minimum number of rows: 2
Maximum number of rows: 20
Names must be unique: text()
datatype: color
type: number
type: number
type: boolean
type: boolean
type: text
datatype: color
type: number
datatype: color
type: number
datatype: color
type: number
type: number
type: boolean
datatype: color
datatype: color
type: number
datatype: color
datatype: color
type: number

datatype: color
type: text
datatype: number
type: text
type: boolean
datatype: color
type: text
datatype: number
type: text
type: boolean
datatype: color
type: text
datatype: number
type: text
type: boolean
minOccurs: 1
Declare the sources
type: number
type: number
type: number
datatype: color
type: text
datatype: color
datatype: number
type: text
datatype: color
datatype: number
datatype: color
type: number
datatype: color
type: number

datatype: number
default: 0
datatype: number
default: 100
datatype: number
default: 5
datatype: color
type: number
type: text
type: text
type: text
datatype: color
type: number
type: number
datatype: color
type: number
datatype: color
type: number
type: number
datatype: number
default: 0
datatype: number
default: 100
datatype: number
default: 5
datatype: color
type: number
type: text
type: text
type: boolean
type: boolean
type: text
datatype: color
type: number
type: number
datatype: color
type: number
datatype: color
type: number
type: number

type: number
type: number
type: number

Stroke & fill
datatype: color
type: number
datatype: color
Outer distance from frame to context
type: number
type: number
type: number
type: number
Inner distance from frame to diagram
type: number
type: number
type: number
type: number
Stroke & fill
datatype: color
type: number
pattern: \d+\,\d+
datatype: color

datatype: integer
datatype: integer
datatype: integer
datatype: integer
datatype: integer
datatype: integer
datatype: integer
datatype: integer
datatype: integer
datatype: integer
datatype: integer
datatype: integer
datatype: integer
datatype: integer
datatype: integer
datatype: integer
datatype: integer
datatype: integer
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[2 lines]
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[2 lines]
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[2 lines]
[9 lines]
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[2 lines]
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[2 lines]
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[2 lines]
[9 lines]
[20 lines]

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[2 lines]
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[5 lines]
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<tspan alignment-baseline="hanging">Poverty</tspan>
[1 lines]
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<tspan alignment-baseline="hanging">Land</tspan>
[1 lines]
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<tspan alignment-baseline="hanging">Language</tspan>
[1 lines]
[6 lines]
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[1 lines]
[2 lines]
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[1 lines]
[141 lines]


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